inez1.txt Inez (converted from an original document in all upper case) My name is Inez Cooper. I am fourteen years old and a virgin. I start high school this fall. I have a great figure, except my breasts are a little too large. Everyone says I am gorgeous, and the mirror tells me they are right. Boys have been chasing me for years. I have had the usual experiences with boys, playing 'doctor'. Lately I feel that I am ready for a more mature relationship with a man. My mother does not agree. She is divorced. It happened when my Dad tried to rape me. Mother is more beautiful than me and has a figure that drives men crazy. She is also a tease. She has men over to the house frequently, and they always make a fuss over me. Mother seems annoyed when they do. Mother still spanks me when she feels that I need it. She doesn't want me to flirt. She can do all she wants, but I must not. I have two younger adopted sisters, identical twins. We don't get along. Kathy and Kristy can do no wrong. They are very pretty also. They are the apple of mother's eye and are always getting me in trouble. We three girls, especially me, keep the house and yard clean and do the chores. Mother works as a model. She goes out of town frequently on business. Always with men. I have a condition that I should explain. My clitoris is very large. Very, very large. I am extremely sensitive to pressure there. I lose control of myself easily whenever I rub myself there. I enjoy my body. My breasts are sensitive also. My breasts are extremely large for my age. Large for any age. My breasts are so sensitive that once in the seventh grade a boy had my pants wet just from feeling my breasts through my t-shirt and bra. I have lied about my age and got a job at a carhop fast food. The uniforms fit tight so I am very popular with the customers. Paul wilson has started to come in regularly and he always pics one of my parking stalls. He is rich, handsome, and captain of the football team. One night Maxine brown parks in one of my stalls and warns me to stay away from Paul or she will make me wish that I had. Paul continues to come in and eventually asks me for a date. We go to a movie, ice cream after, and he kisses me goodnight on my porch. When I go in, my mother is waiting for me. 'That boy is too old for you.' (Please, mother he is the best boy in the whole school.) 'Did he kiss you?' (No.) 'Come here. Now, pull down your panties and raise your skirt.' (Why?) 'I saw him kiss you. I will not allow you to lie to me.' I pull my panties down, raise my skirt and bend over. Whap! Whap! She spanks me harder than usual, and with a ruler. I hear giggles from the twin's room. Finally she finishes and I stand up. 'If you lie to me again I will take a strap to you, now get to bed.' I hear giggles again as I pass the twin's room. My ass stings. The tears finally start. I sob against the door for a minute. When I finish my little cry, I undress for bed. When I am down to just my panties, I pull them off to and look at my ass in the mirror. There are welts, but I don't think there will be any permanent scars. While I am looking in the mirror, I notice some motion in the tree outside my window. In the excitement, I forgot to pull the blinds. I put my panties on and go down the hall to the bathroom. I put my robe on, sneak downstairs, and out the front door. When I look up into the tree, I see Tommy Parker looking into my window with binoculars. (Tommy Parker, you come down here right now.) Tommy looks like the cat who swallowed the canary. When Tommy is standing in front of me I take him by the arm and scold him. (What you are doing is mean. You are violating my right to privacy.) 'You are right, I am a worm.) Tommy hangs his head. (Tommy we used to be good friends. We could talk to each other. I thought you liked me.) 'Inez, I love you. I would do anything for you, but you've got Paul so what would you want with me. I wanted to see you. You are so beautiful. I've been up this tree since eight waiting for a glance at you.' (Tommy, if you really love me, don't peek into my windows any more. If you want to see me that bad I will let you. I need a friend, Tommy, a real friend. Someone I can talk to. Will you be my special friend, Tommy, like we used to be?) 'Yes.' I open my robe so Tommy can see my breasts. Tommy stares at me. I reach down and pull my panties off. (Real friends have no secrets Tommy. You can see me anytime you want. Just ask me. No, you are too shy to ask. I will let you see me whenever we are alone in private.) 'Inez, you are the most beautiful creature in the universe. I will do anything for you.' (Tommy, I like Paul. Please, don't say anything to anyone about what we do together. We are good friends, not lovers, ok?) 'Ok. May I touch you one of these times?' (Maybe.) 'Inez, may I see your back side please.' I remove the robe and turn around. 'Your mother really beat you.' I had forgotten about that. (Tommy, you must forget about that. I deserved it. I lied to her.) I put my panties and robe on and go inside. Mother is waiting again. 'What were you doing outside naked?' I am silent. ' First you lie to me, then you meet your boyfriend naked! You are a slut. Take off your robe. Now your panties. Bend over.' Slap! Slap! The pain is intense. She is beating me with a leather strap. I cry and beg for relief. Slap! Slap. (Please don't scar me.) Slap! Slap! She looks at her work. 'Now go to bed and stay there this time.' I limp up to my room. More giggles. I close the door. I strip and examine my ass in the mirror. These will probably leave scars. Through the summer, Paul and I date several times. Tommy and I become very close friends again. Tommy seems to enjoy my body, and I enjoy showing myself to him. When I let Tommy start to touch me, i realize that this could get out of hand in a hurry. I am very careful to never allow Tommy to put anything into my pussy. When things rub me there I go out of control. I am super sensitive. When I rub myself, I have orgasm quickly and strong, sometimes I shake all over for several minutes, because of the emotional experience from rubbing myself several times in a row. No one must learn of this weakness in me. One night Tommy is very excited and he tries to force his finger into me. That is the night that I start masturbating Tommy. After I jack him off and he comes into a tissue, he is mello again. One night when I am in charge of the house, the twins want to have boyfriends over. I refuse. They tell me that if I don't let them, they will tell mother about all my late dates with Paul after work, when I told mother that I was working late, about my having Tommy into my room several times, with both of us naked, and touching each other. I am furious, but I do not want any more beatings. (Ok. You may have your friends over.) Their friends are mean looking boys. The four of them lock themselves into the twins bedroom for a very long time. When I knock on the door I hear giggles. One of the boys asks through the door if I want to join the party. (Yes.) 'Pass in your blouse first.' I argue but they insist. I remove my blouse and knock again. Kathy answers the door,naked, takes my blouse, and lets me in. The boys are naked also. (What are you doing? Mother will kill me.) The room smells of alcohol. Everyone is high. One of the boys unhooks my bra and starts to pull it down my arms. I grab my breasts and slap him. Both boys fight me so I knee them each in the balls. When they are both clutching their balls on the floor, the twins attack me. 'Why won't you let our friends see you, you let your friends.' I explain that that is different, but they don't agree and I must flee or get beat up. I grab my blouse and leave. The door slams. After a time they all come out and come into my room. (I am sorry if I hurt you, but I do not want to play your games. Please leave now.) Each twin grabs one of my arms and holds them while the boys start to unbutton my blouse. (Please let me go. Kathy. Kristy.) When the boy is finished with the buttons, he unsnaps my shorts and unzips them. He reaches up under my blouse and unhooks my bra. He pulls the bra down my arms. He squeezes my breasts. He pulls my shorts down. When he tries to pull my panties down, I spread my legs. He fingers my pussy through the panties. And then goes in the leg hole. When his finger goes into my pussy I close my legs. The other boy pulls my panties down. (If you will let go of me, I will strip for you.) The twins let go and I take my clothes off. The boys feel my breasts and pussy. I moan from want and need. The twins then take the boys back to their room. Thank goodness. I close the door and finish rubbing myself. I shake all over. The boy started me down the road of pleasure and I finished it. I dress and lock my door. I remember the chores that we were supposed to do. When I remind the twins, they tell me to do them. I argue and threaten. When the two boys come out naked, I back away. They tell me to do the chores myself, and go back inside. I do the work that I can before mother gets home. The work is not finished, so mother asks me which I would prefer, grounding, no friends, or spanking. I cannot be grounded, because of my job. I need to talk to Tommy. So I ask for spanking. 'Remove your clothes.' I take my shorts and panties off and turn around. When she sees the welts on my ass, she decides not to spank me again. 'If you disobey me again, I will punish you that much harder the next time.' (Thank you, mother. I don't try to disobey you, but it works out that way sometimes. Please forgive me.)'If you were just more like your sisters.' I put my clothes back on and finish the chores. I am happy to see school start. It takes a while to get used to high school, but I adjust and have a great time. I am a good student. All my teachers like me. The men teachers stare at me frequently. I guess I enjoy being stared at. I must, because I wear clothes that make me look sexy, or maybe I am sexy. The twin's boyfriends are in school. Max is spreading rumors about me being easy. Paul and I date several times. Paul also dates max. He talks about her a lot when we are together. One night just before we close, max drives into one of my stalls. She buys a large coffee. When I deliver it, she warns me to stay away from Paul, and then she pours the coffee on my breasts. I am not burned badly. I don't have a car, so I must walk home from work. It didn't bother me before, but after max tried to burn me, I worry. Paul drives me home sometimes, but I cannot rely on him. One day I catch max talking to the twin's boyfriends, Sam and Arnie. When I approach, the conversation stops and they look guilty. What are they planning? One night Tommy calls when I am on my way to work. Kathy and Kristy listen as and we arrange to meet in the alley behind Tommy's house, which is on my way home from work. As I enter the alley two boys step out of the shadows. I recognize Sam and Arnie, because of the ring that I see on Arnie's finger. They blindfold me first, then they take my hands and lead me into a back yard where a blanket is laid out. The boys take my clothes off without saying a word. When I am naked, they strip too. They start to play with my breasts. I grab a penis and jack him off. When he is ready he pushes my face down and forces his penis into my mouth. I suck him till he comes. While I suck one I jack off the other. When the first is done, i suck the second till he comes also. They leave and I dress. The next day I ask the twins how Sam and Arnie knew that I would be there. They deny having told the boys anything. We say cruel things to each other. When I did meet with Tommy, he asked me to join in a strip poker game being hosted by rita delany. I refuse at first. Tommy tells me that he has already promised that I would come. I agree at last. On the night of the game, I lose badly. I run around the house naked many times and have my picture taken in many poses showing everything. When the game is over, I am forced to walk home nude. When I am close to home two boys step out of the shadows and I am forced to suck each to orgasm. The blindfold prevents me from seeing his face, but the ring gives him away. It must be Sam and Arnie. When I get home my mother is waiting up for me. She is livid when she sees me come in naked. I bend over and receive the worst beating of my life. Her strap lands on my buttocks, back, and legs. Before she is finished, I fall to my knees from pain and exhaustion. I crawl to the stairs and climb them with difficulty. The twins are giggling as I pass their room. Paul asks me to the fall formal. I buy myself a gorgeous strapless gown. Paul picks me up in a rented limousine. We are the best looking couple at the dance. Kathy and Kristy planted a portable microphone in my purse. At the dance we have a great time until I go to the powder room. When I enter the powder room, someone grabs me from behind and forces a paper bag over my head. They hold my hands while someone unzips my dress. Someone unhooks my bra and removes it. They reach up and pull off my slips, panties, and stockings also. When they leave, I put my dress and shoes back on. The dress shows a lot of my breasts without the bra. The dress does not stay up either. I have to keep pulling it up. During the rest of the night, I fight to keep the dress up. I dance with a lot of boys, and they all get their eyes full. Paul seems to enjoy it so I don't leave. When we leave the dance, Paul parks on a lonely street and makes advances. We kiss and Paul puts his hand in my dress. I push him away, but he insists. I like his hands on my breasts so I let him. Paul unzips my dress and enjoys my generous mounds. He kisses them and gently sucks each tip. When Paul puts his hand on my leg and feels his way up to my panties, I ask him to stop. 'I thought you liked me.' When I think of what Sam, Arnie, and Tommy have done, I cannot deny Paul at least as much. Eventually I strip and suck Paul to climax. When Paul insists on intercourse, we have a fight. I explain that i want to save that for my wedding night. Paul laughs. I dress and get out of the car. Paul is mad and lets me walk home. I call Tommy and ask him to come and pick me up. While I wait for Tommy, the boys show up. After they blindfold me, they force me into their car and while we drive they take my clothes off. (Please take me home.) They park and I am forced to kiss #one while #two takes liberties with my breasts. Then #two kisses me while #one sucks my nipples. When #one starts to finger my pussy, I quickly kneel and suck him to climax. I cannot let them finger me or I will melt into a groveling jellyfish. Finally, I suck #two to climax, and beg them to take me home. #One is aroused again and starts to finger my pussy, I beg him not to rape me. He fingers me until I am wet, moaning, and starting to move with his rhythm. I reach up and really kiss him. (Please, I am a virgin. I beg you to take me home.) #One forces me to suck him to climax one more time. As they drive me home i suck #two again. We drive up in front of my house, but I am not allowed to dress. No one is home, because mother is out of town and the twins are staying with a friend. They let me off and drive away. I do not notice the motion at the twins window. I remove the blindfold and let myself in. I undress and get ready for bed. What a night. I brush my teeth and hair. After I finally climb into bed someone joins me. I recognize Sam from the ring on his finger. (How did you get in here?) 'Never mind. You came home naked as a jay bird. I figured you would want company tonight.' (You figured wrong.) Before I can protest further, he kisses me. The kiss is warm and tender. I am lonely after Paul dumped me tonight. I guess that explains why I did not throw him out. Sam fondles my naked breasts and the kiss grows. When Sam touches my pussy i beg him to stop. (I am a virgin, Sam, like I told you earlier, I want to be a virgin on my wedding night.) Sam is beyond caring. He seems to be wild with desire. He fingers me through the material until I moan and help him pull the panties off. I am wild. I pull his finger into me and use his finger to rub myself. When Sam can take it no longer, he forces his large penis into me. It doesn't go in very far. (Please stop.) Sam pushes harder and there is a very painful tearing inside of me. I scream, in terrible pain. After Sam comes in me, he seems disgusted with himself. Please forgive me, I didn't think you really were a virgin. I turn away and he leaves me. I cannot sleep and take a walk to help me sleep. Tommy's light is on so I signal him and he comes out. We talk. I tell him everything that has happened to me. I undress for him, but ask him not to touch me tonight. When I walk home the boys intercept me and drive me home. I notice the ring before the blindfold goes on. The boys always wear masks until I am blindfolded. The boys take me to my home and up to my room. They take their clothes and my clothes off, and pull the bed open. I can hear someone in the hallway. They indicate the bed. I kneel in front of #one and beg him not to rape me again. #One lifts me and puts me in bed. I fight with him in bed until #two helps him. When #one finally penetrates me I feel pain in my pussy. I moan. #One pumps me for a long painful time. #Two rapes me next. I lay limp for him. They leave and I go into the bathroom and vomit. Kathy and Kristy come in. 'Were you really a virgin?' (Yes.) 'You're not anymore.' They giggle and go back to their room. I dress and call Tommy. I explain to Tommy what happened, including being raped. Paul drives up in front and I walk out to him. (Do you still want me?) Paul drives me to a deserted spot and makes love to me. When Paul is finished, I explain about being raped. (I am no longer a virgin so why wait. You can have me whenever you want me. I am soiled goods now.) Paul tells me he loves me and wants me to marry him. (I am only fourteen.) 'I will wait for you to graduate.' We make love again and then he takes me home. I clean up and go to bed. Just as I get in bed, Sam climbs into my bed naked. I resist him but not hard. Sam is gentle this time. He is slow and makes it special. When he fingers my clitoris, I show him how to make me moan. He fingers me and I moan several times as he brings me to a new high. I have an orgasm that would blow the ceiling off. After I cool for a minute Sam starts again and this time, when I am almost ready, he puts his penis into me and we share a new high together. This is a new side of Sam. I could very easily love this man. Finally I sleep. When I open my eyes in the morning, I am looking at Sam's blue eyes. He kisses me and sucks my breasts. Finally he fingers me and sucks my clitoris until I am crazy with want. Sam mounts me from behind and fingers my clitoris while fucking me. I come with him as he pumps me full of come. Sam cleans up and leaves. Tommy drops by and I tell him everything. I take Tommy up to my room for his usual 'look and touch'. When I am naked and he is sucking me his finger enters my pussy. I try to resist, but Tommy knows that i am not a virgin and his finger is driving me crazy. I let Tommy fuck me. Kathy and Kristy walk in while Tommy is riding me. They excuse themselves and leave. Tommy rides me several times while we have one of our long talks. Tommy asks me to go to another strip poker game with him. I don't want to go, but I agree to make him happy. Tommy leaves in time for me to change my sheets. After mother gets home, two packages arrive. One contains my dress and shoes, the other my bra, slip, and panties. The notes tell mother to ask me what I did after the dance. I have no defense. Mother has me strip, and beats me. When I can no longer stand, I kneel and then fall to my hands and knees. I crawl to her foot and grab her leg while she beats me. I black out. When I wake up. My mother is standing over me frightened. 'I thought i had killed you. Maybe that would be a good thing. Look at the example you are setting for the twins.' (Mama am I really a bad person.) 'You are a spoiled brat. Can't I leave you in charge for one night?' I stand up slowly and take my clothes upstairs. The mirror shows my wounds. No more bathing suits for me. The scars will probably be permanent. Tommy picks me up and takes me to Carl's poker party. There are only two couples. Tommy, me, Carl and Tonie. Tonie is older than me, but not as good looking. Her breasts are not as large either. As play progresses i catch Carl staring at me. I am a poor player and soon I am down to panties and bra. When I lose my bra, I am asked to climb onto the table and crawl around for each player to see me. When I lose my panties, i must spread my pussy for all to see and squat in front of each player. After that, I kiss the winner, allow him or her to fondle my privates, suck the winner's penis. Or whatever. Finally I sign chits. When play is over, I am the only naked one, and I have signed chits for everyone. (What do I do now?) Carl takes me downstairs and puts me on the rack. Htb. Htb. Htb. I am in pain as my legs are forced back past my head.The three fondle my open pussy. Htb. Htb. Htb. I cry out. I wasn't going to cry, but the pain is severe now. They fondle me again. Their hands and fingers are right in front of my face. They fondle my pussy and then fondle my face and lips. Carl asks me to open my mouth, and he fondles my tongue, lips and cheeks. Htb. Htb. Carl asks me to kiss myself. I am very uncomfortable, but when Carl parts my pussy hair, I kiss myself and suck myself. I experience a rare feeling. I am exciting myself without my fingers. I am allowed to suck until I come. I am excited and in truth, enjoying myself. Everyone is paying attention to me. They are all feeling my pussy even as i suck myself. Carl bends down and sucks my pussy with me. We kiss and suck and even do both at once. Htb. Htb. I scream. I kiss my asshole and suck it for them. Finally the pressure is lowered and it feels good. I am asked to kiss myself again which I don't mind. I suck my own clitoris while kissing Carl or Tommy, or Tonie. I come several times. They seem to enjoy my pussy, and I enjoy having them see and touch me. I am disappointed when they free me. I am next put on a machine with projections inserted into my pussy and asshole. A breast plate is put over my chest. When it is turned on, I feel motion in my pussy, not really painful. The rubbing of my breasts excites me further. After a short time, I come from the rubbing. When I am breathing hard, Carl walks over and kisses me. I kiss hard, because of my need. Again, I am disappointed when they turn it off. The last machine has tubes of all kinds. Carl inserts two tubes into my pussy, and one into my asshole. There is some pain and discomfort. I take a large metallic thing into my mouth. It is strapped onto my head. Carl starts the machine. Wow. Fluids are pumped everywhere. I need to urinate, and then I don't. I need to shit and then I don't a tube slides down my throat, I gag for a moment. Then my stomach swells up and contracts. The overall effect is rather pleasant. Very strange, but kind of pleasant. I later learn that all of the machines were set for minimum discomfort. When I am released, I still owe them all many chits. We go into the family room and I am asked to make love with each, while the others watch. I blush, but I don't really mind. This night is special for me anyway. I start with Carl. We kiss and I undress him. I masturbate him until he is ready. I suck him to climax, and then suck more until he is ready again. I sit on his lap and guide his penis into me. I move on him until he comes in me, then I move on to Tommy, and repeat the action. When I come to Tonie, I hesitate, but her smile and open arms invite me in. We kiss and I undress her. She has marvelous breasts. I kiss them and suck the nipples to hardness. I insert my finger into her cunt and work on her clitoris. I know what feels good. Finally I pull her forward on the couch and kneel in front of her. She opens her legs and allows my mouth to enter her. I kiss her clitoris and then suck it till she moans and finally screams her orgasm. I continue until she is relaxed. I work on each again and again, until I am exhausted. Finally, Carl pulls me to my feet and gives me a big kiss. 'You are beautiful, thank you for coming. Please let me call you again.' I give Carl my phone number. Carl puts one hundred dollars into my purse and thanks me again. Tommy takes me home. I feel very good. Paul dates me frequently. He expects to get laid each time. I comply. I feel that I am growing away from him. He is just like Sam and Arnie in my mind. No feeling, just drop your pants. Tommy calls and asks me to meet him. When I am standing in the alley behind Tommy's house the boys come. Each take a hand and they walk me into the bushes along the alley. When they have me nude, I am surprised that they don't rape me. #One adjusts my blindfold and ties my hands behind me. (This isn't necessary.) My panties are shoved into my mouth and my blouse is tied around my head to hold the panties in. I hear someone approaching. Slap! Slap! My face is slapped hard. I can feel the tears forming. Something hits my stomach and I double up in pain. The boys hold me up. I feel hands grip my breasts cruelly. They twist them and pull them. The hands release my breasts and then slap them repeatedly. Something hits my stomach again. I have trouble getting my breath. Hands grab my ears and shake my head hard. They grab my nose and squeeze, then shake my head. I feel something going into my nose holes then forced upward till my head whips back. Something goes into my ear and someone blows into it causing pain. They grab my pubic hair and pull up cruelly. Finally they grab hair on each side of my pussy and pull them apart. They increase the pressure till I think that I will split. 'Don't accept another date with Paul or I will make you fist fuck yourself'. They poke my stomach one last time and kick both knees. The boys let me fall into a heap, and then they all leave. When I can get up, I cannot find my clothes. I put on my blouse and panties and go home. I forgot about Tommy completely. When I get home, mother is waiting. 'Where are your clothes?' I am silent. I receive a severe beating. When she is finished, I go to the bathroom and throw up. Kathy and Kristy ask me if I had a good time, then giggle. When I finally climb into bed, Sam is there. I am too weak to argue. I let him rape me. When he is finished, he sucks my pussy clean. When Tommy and I finally get together, I tell him all, then we make love. The lovemaking is a habit now. When Paul calls, I tell him no, but he insists, because it is his birthday. I decide that I will break off with him when on this next date. I don't, because it is his birthday and he is very happy. We make love several times before the night is through. I notice that max sees us when we are driving around. I check my bed before I undress. After I am in bed, the boys sneak into my room and grab my mouth. They tie my hands behind me and gag me. They pull my panties off and force me to leave the house with them. I wish they wouldn't blindfold me. We drive a short time and then stop. I am forced to walk what seems a long distance. At last they release me. Slap! Slap! 'That's just to get your attention, bitch.' My cheeks sting. 'You refuse to listen to me. Ok. You will have to pay the consequences. We are going to free you. You will then push your hand into your cunt. If you fail, these gentlemen will do it for you.' I try to talk, but the gag won't let me. I am untied. I try to release the gag and get a hard poke to the stomach for my trouble. I don't think that I can do it. I pull my thumb in and try to insert my hand into myself. I work it in slowly, but I cannot make it go in. Just when I give up, rough hands grab my wrist and force my hand into myself. I scream. No one hears. I cry. No one sees the tears. 'Stick the middle finger of your other hand into your asshole.' I can do that. Someone takes the gag off. (Thank you. I was going to break up with Paul, but it was his birthday. I will never see him again.) There is a long pause. 'I have a better idea. Continue to date Paul all you want. He is an asshole anyway.' I burst into tears. (W-why.) 'What I want now is to get even with that son-of-a-bitch, and you are going to help me. I will tell you how through the boys. Take good care of the boys for me. I hear you are good in bed. Cooperate with me and you might even keep your good looks. What are these marks on your ass and back?' (My mother beats me.) 'Here is the plan. Inez, pull the finger out of your ass, and suck on it. Walk home with your fist in your cunt. Do not take it out till you are in your bed. I know your mother is out of town. I will know if you pull it out before then.. Do you agree.' (Yes.) My finger tastes terrible. I waddle home naked with my hand in my pussy. I don't know if anyone saw me or not. They must have. My large breasts swing back and forth. Finally I arrive. I am locked out. Several cars are parked perpendicularly against the curb in front of our house, and their lights all come on at once. I am in the spotlight. I bang on the door. (Please let me in.) 'What will you give me if I do.' (Name your price.) 'You will do our chores for a month. You will give me fifty dollars, and you will give the four of us a private showing that I will describe later.' (I agree.) By the time the door is opened, there is a large crowd in front of our house. I waddle in and close the door. (Thank you.) 'What are you doing?' (I must leave it in till I am in bed.) Kathy blocks the stairs. 'Tell me about it.' (Please let me go up to my bed, then I will tell you all about it.) 'It will be a much better story if you tell us now.' I tell the twins the entire story. When I look at the couch i notice that Sam and Arnie are here. (Kathy, this hurts, please let me go up) Kathy moves, but Sam stops me. 'Show the girls the finger in the ass trick.' I stick my finger into my asshole. 'Now suck.' I suck on it. 'Yech. Go wash yourself.' I start toward the stairs and Kathy trips me. Without my hand I fall hard. I lay there and cry. The cry turns into an uncontrollable sob. The four leave and I climb up the stairs. I lay down in my bed and try to pull my hand out. It will not come. It has swollen, because of the pressure. I pull hard for a very long time. Finally, it comes out. My pussy is extremely sore. I clean myself up and go to bed. The next day I pay Kathy the fifty dollars and after work i spend six hours doing chores. When mother returns she asks if anything unusual happened and I tell her no. The next day I do chores all morning. Mother asks me why I am doing all the chores, and I tell her that I pay my debts. In the afternoon just before I plan to go out, mother gets a phone call. When she hangs up she calls me into her bedroom. 'Suppose you had a daughter that lied to you all the time, what would you do.' Fear grips my heart. 'Answer me!' (I would love her enough to help her solve her problems.) 'Do you think that I love you?' (Yes.) 'Enough to help you solve your problems?' (No.) 'You ungrateful bitch.' She slaps me hard several times. The last time knocks me to the floor. I can taste the blood. 'That was our neighbor on the phone. It seems there was something unusual last night. We had a crowd in our front yard to see a show on the front porch. Do you know what the show was?' (Yes.) 'Take your clothes off.' (Please ,mother don't scar me.) I strip and bend over for her. 'Did you really have you hand inside your pussy?' (Yes.) 'Show me.' (Please ,mother I didn't do it to myself.) 'A boy helped you?' (Yes, two boys.) 'Who are they?' Silence. 'Tell me who they are or else shove your hand into yourself.' My hand is not swollen so i push it into my pussy. After a long time and much pushing my hand is again inside my cunt. 'Comfy now?' She beats me with her strap. This time, when I am lying exhausted on the floor, I see my blood on the strap. Mother strikes again so I assume the fetal position. Kathy and Kristy walk in or she may have killed me. I pass out. When I come to mother has thrown water on me. She forces me out of her room. I stagger down the hall to the bathroom. I kneel at the bowl and throw up. Kathy and Kristy find me there. 'Enjoying yourself?' My hand is still in my pussy. I don't have the strength to pull it out. (Please help me pull it out.) The twins both grab hold and yank my hand out. I moan from the additional pain. (Thank you.) 'What about our chores?' (I will do them, as soon as I can.) 'What about the private showing?' (Do you want it now?) 'No. Not until saturday night at eight.' (I will be here. No matter what happens, thank you for letting me in. I was naked and they were all looking at me. I felt so vulnerable.) I clean up and go to bed. The next days are uneventful. Max leaves me alone, neither Tommy nor Paul have called. I recover my strength. I spend every available hour doing the chores for the twins. I want them to love me. No, I need them to love me. I must have hurt them sometime in the past. I will ask them when we are alone. On saturday, mother leaves the twins in charge. I am told to mind them i tell mother that I plan to spend all weekend recuperating and doing the chores. At eight o'clock Sam and Arnie show up. They go into the twins room and plan their night. I scrub the bathroom until they call my down. Kathy is the spokes person. 'Do you remember the night that you promised to give us a private showing.' (Yes, and I intend to make good on my word.)" 'Good, then we have no misunderstandings. We want a special showing, not the normal strip tease stuff, ok.' (I will do my best to please you.) They have me strip slowly. They have me squeeze my breasts and harden the nipples. They have me walk around and then jump up and down so that they can watch my breasts bounce and swing. They have me bend over and place my hands on either side of each of them so that they can watch my breasts swing. Each is allowed to squeeze me and make my breasts swing. Each is allowed to examine my breasts in minutest detail. Even using a magnifying glass. I stand in front of each, put a foot on the couch behind them and open my pussy with my hands so that they can see inside of me. I pull my pussy open as far as I can. They ask, and I show them my clitoris. Each is allowed to touch me anywhere, anytime. They all feel my clitoris. And watch my face. I start breathing hard licking my lips, because my clitoris is very sensitive. And I respond quickly. Sam plays with it for a long, long time. I am crazy with want when he notices my wetness and inserts his finger into me. Finally Sam releases me. Next I sit and spread my legs up and back, so that I am looking at my own pussy with my legs high in the air. Each feels my pussy and inserts fingers into me. Sam strokes my clitoris again until I moan. 'Do you like that?' (Oh, yes.) Would you like me to fuck you? (Please, I will make it good for you.) 'Maybe later.' Arnie continues the pressure on my clitoris. I am crazy with need. I squeeze my breasts and rub my nipples. When Arnie is done, I kneel in front of Sam. (Please fuck me. I need you.) 'Not yet.' I crawl over to Arnie. (Please Arnie, I need it now. I ache for it.) Arnie looks at Sam and shakes his head. I start to rub myself, but Kathy says no. (Please Kathy let me do myself, you can all watch.) Kathy looks at Sam and they nod. I finger myself until I come. They watch me closely. I moan when I come. Sam kisses me while I come. I open wide then suck his tongue with vigor. At length I am spent. (Thank you, I needed that.) When I look at Arnie I see that he is filming my show on video tape. Sam and Arnie take turns on the camera. They have me strip them and jack them off until they each come. When they come, they have me kneel down and lick the come off my hands and their cocks. When they are ready, they have me suck them to climax. When I am sucking Sam, he has me kneel over his face while he lays under me. He fingers my clitoris and sucks it. I go wild quickly. I suck him hard and go up and down fast, "because of my need. Sam sucks me hard and much tongue action causes me to shake and come. Just as I come, Sam shoots my mouth full or come. I suck him clean gratefully. When the boys are satisfied, Kathy and Kristy want some action. I slowly undress each of my sisters. They are beautiful. Identical twins. All four breasts are identical. I am awkward because I don't know what to do. (May I love you.) 'Sure, we do each other all the time.' I put my face close to Kathy's (may I kiss you.) 'Yes.' I kiss her cheek, then her chin, and finally a hen peck on her mouth. Kathy knows how to fire me up so she puts her finger into my pussy and rubs my clitoris. Very soon I am breathing hard and licking my lips. I open my mouth and kiss Kathy with a passion. I suck her tongue and when she pushes me down I kiss her throat and breasts. I suck softly at first, but Kathy's finger drives me wild. I suck hard and wildly. Kathy pushes me down farther and I open her pussy with my fingers. I kiss her and suck her pussy while she fingers my clitoris. Kathy stops fingering me. (Please don't stop.) 'More later.' I continue to suck her until she comes. No scream. No moan. (Did you like it?) 'It was ok.' I approach Kristy. (May I kiss you.) 'A little.' I kiss her with feeling. She pushes me down to her breasts. I suck them gently. She pushes me down to her pussy. I open her, kiss her, and suck her to orgasm. Again no show of emotion. (Don't you feel anything?) 'Sure, but it isn't a big deal.' Kathy tells me it is time for the big finally. 'Inez will lie down on her back. I will be on my hands and knees over your face. Sam will fuck me, and you will assist with your tongue, licking and sucking. When we are in position. They ask me to get Kathy ready and make Sam hard. I suck Kathy's clitoris while I jack off Sam. Soon Sam is ready, and I guess Kathy is as ready as she gets. I hold Kathy open and guide Sam into her. Sam starts slow and allows me to suck him and lick her between strokes. As the motion increases, i watch close hand while he slides in and out of her. When he is pumping her, I take his penis into my mouth and increase his pleasure. I hold Kathy open Kathy with my fingers. I stroke Kathy's clitoris while Sam pumps her. I can hear Kathy moan, I suck Sam's penis, finger Kathy's clitoris, and squeeze Sam's balls all at once. Sam comes into her and I hear Kathy scream. I continue my actions till they are spent. Sam withdraws. I suck and pump him clean. Then I suck Kathy clean and suck her clitoris for a long time. She seems to enjoy it. 'Is that what they call orgasm.' (Yes. You were wonderful.) Kristy wants to try with Arnie. From the look on Kristy's face I don't think that Kristy will me successful. She will try too hard and spoil it. I take Kristy aside and talk with her. (Kristy, I need your help. I made it good for Kathy, but I am afraid that I may fail with you, and that would hurt me very much.) 'How can I help.' (If I start to fail you, or if you want me to do anything, please let me know. Kristy, I mean anything. Kristy, I love you.) I said it. I didn't think about it, I just said it. It is true, however. I do love these beautiful girls. If that makes me a pervert, so be it. I spend a long time getting Kristy ready. I am careful to avoid pain. Lots of kisses and gentle sucks. When Kristy is moist, I make Arnie hard and lie down. I guide Arnie into Kristy and when he is sliding in and out, I open Kristy with my fingers. I suck her clitoris gently and then with feeling. My tongue goes in and out of Kristy with Arnie's penis. Kristy is starting to respond, I can feel it. I reach down and stroke Kristy's breasts. When I feel Kristy start to come, I suck her clitoris harder and faster, I reach up and squeeze Arnie's balls causing him to go faster, and I squeeze Kristy's breasts harder. She is slow to come, but when she does she explodes. Kristy moans, and then screams her orgasm. She shakes violently for a considerable time. Arnie comes in her pussy and I taste him. Kristy feels Arnie's come and lets it all hang out. Kristy is crying uncontrollably, but she does not stop. It takes a long time to bring Kristy down. Finally Kristy stops moving and lets Arnie withdraw. I suck his limp penis and pump the last of his come into my mouth. Then I turn Kristy over and suck her pussy while she rests. I lick and suck her pussy clean and then linger on her clitoris, gently licking and sucking. Finally Kristy sits up, looks me in the eye and tells me that she is not disappointed. Everyone seems happy. (Have I completed my end of the bargain?)? 'Almost, I would like you to do some more things to prove that you love us.' (I will do them.) Kathy winks at Sam. They lead me up to our bathroom. They have me kneel by the toilet. 'Arnie, you go first.' Arnie puts his penis in my mouth and tells me to drink all of it. With me watching, it takes Arnie a long time to go. Finally he starts and I have trouble swallowing fast enough. The warm urine goes down easier than I would have thought. When Arnie is finished, I suck him until the last drop is gone. Arnie then gets the camera and films the rest. Kathy has me bend over the toilet, and then she forces her finger down my throat. I throw up the urine and everything else. When I am done, i feel like hell. 'Sam.' Sam faces me. Sam's penis grows under my gaze. If I weren't so sick I would enjoy it. I open and accept Sam's penis. Sam urinates into my mouth. I swallow as fast as I can. My stomach rebels and I cough once sending urine into my nose. Sam stops while i control my cough. I swallow and open up for him. Sam gives me rest of his bladder, and I suck him dry. Kathy uses her finger again. My stomach aches when I finish vomiting. I cry from the discomfort and pain. I am nauseous. For Kristy I want to be good. When I am ready i reach over and open her pussy gently. Kristy lifts a leg to give me access. I put my mouth inside of her and signal that I am ready. The urine comes faster than the boys. I drink as fast as I can and suck afterwards. Finally I suck her clitoris and kiss it. Kathy puts her finger in my throat and my system convulses. When I settle down, I am shaking from sickness. I take several minutes to calm down. (Please forgive me, my stomach is nervous today. I do want this to be good for all of you.) Kathy faces me and I open her with my fingers. When I am ready she lets me have it. Kathy's comes fastest of all. Fortunately, my mouth closes off her pussy so that the urine cannot go around it. Kathy also has the greatest volume. I am ready to burst when she finishes. Nevertheless I suck her dry and lick her clitoris. I give her a passionate kiss on the clitoris before leaving her cunt. I brace myself as Kathy opens my mouth and sticks her finger in. My system has reached it's limit. When I vomit, I am shaking so badly that I must lie on the floor. The last thing that I see before I pass out is Arnie taking my pictures. I am in my bed, when I wake up. Still naked. I get up, and when the dizziness passes, I go downstairs. 'Inez, we thought that you would sleep all day.' (Am I finished?) 'No, there are a couple more things that I would like to do. I made a list, and we are only down to here.' Kathy points to a paper. It looks like we are only a third of the way done. (I will do anything, just tell me what you want.) You are too weak now. We will continue another day. (May I read the list please.) Kathy hands me the list and watches me pale as I read it. I hand the list back to her. (You are right, I am too weak to do some of those.) We make an appointment for the next time mother is out of town. The twins leave with Sam and Arnie to go to a movie. I dress and lay down. When I wake up, someone is putting a blindfold on me. I struggle, but I am weak. Rough hands pull all of my clothes off. I am gaged and hands tied behind me. I hear talking. At last someone pulls me to my feet. Something pinches my breast. It is painful. It feels like a giant clothes pin. Someone pulls on the clothes pin or attaches a weight to it. The other breast gets the same treatment. Now it really aches. My feet are kicked apart and clothes pins are attached to each side of my pussy. The pin is clamped with half the clamp inside my pussy and half outside, pinching the lip between them. Clamps are attached to my nose and each ear. Finally someone reaches into my mouth and pulls my tongue out. Someone else attaches clamps to each side and the end. Click. Photographs are taken. I am told to stand very still. After fifteen minutes, I cannot stand the pain. I push the clamps off my tongue. The clamps snap shut causing great pain when they are pulled off. I rub against the wall and force the clamps off my breasts. I get the clamps off my face using the wall. I cannot get the clamps off my pussy lips. I walk into the bathroom and lodge each between the toilet seat and toilet. I slowly pull the clamps off. The pain is intense. Finally I am free of them. They evidently went away and left me to fend for myself. After a long struggle, I free my hands and remove the blindfold. They were giant clothespins. How could such an innocent device cause so much pain? On the day of mother's trip, I am ready. I feel that i am making progress with the twins. I can make them love me. For some reason, I want Sam to love me too. I shower and put on clean clothes. When Sam and Arnie arrive, I kiss them both hello. They decide to start with an easy one. I am asked to strip and lay on the kitchen table. Each of the four come in alone and examine me. They ask me to open my mouth, open my pussy, lay on my side, spread my legs, spread my cheeks, get on my hands and knees and swing my breasts, Arnie likes to play with my tongue and mouth. He feels around inside my mouth. Fondles my tongue and cheeks. Kathy spends a lot of time examining my hair and pubic hair. Kristy examines my arm pits for a long time. All of them have me lay on my back, spread my legs and pull them up as far as I can. I cannot go as far as Carl's rack, but I give them a great view. They have me hold myself open while they explore. They are gentle when they insert their fingers. Sam kisses my clitoris. Just that causes me to breath heavy and moisten my cunt. Sam fingers my clitoris, and I cannot control myself. (Sam, please take me.) Sam fondles me a little more, until I am crazy, moaning and thrashing on the table, then he strips and enters me. Afterward everything is ok again. The next item on their list is an unpleasant one for me. They watch carefully as I push my hand into my pussy. It takes me several tries. They have me stand on the kitchen table so that they can have the best view. I struggle, but eventually I get it in. They ask me to find my womb. I feel around painfully. Finally I think I find it. 'Can you put your finger into it?' It takes me a long time to find the opening and then insert my finger. (Yes.) 'Can you find the hole where the urine comes out?' I feel around. (I am not sure, I need to pee to be sure.) They help me climb down, I waddle into the bathroom and stand in the shower. I urinate a little bit at a time until I find the hole. (I found it.) 'Can you find your ovaries or the tubes?' I feel around and insert my hand as far as I can. (I am not sure. I found something.) I waddle back into the kitchen and Sam helps me onto the table. They encourage me to explore and report all my findings. I feel every square inch and report all my thoughts and feelings. Some places hurt, others feel good. When I am allowed to withdraw my hand, Sam sucks my fingers one at a time. This excites me for some reason. I take it as an expression of love. Back on the table I am asked to masturbate myself several times. I must come each time and tell my feelings as I go. (I love you all, so I will do this. I am very sensitive. When my love seat gets brushed or rubbed in any way, I get excited. I can make myself come while waiting in the lunch line. I have done it. All I have to do is rub myself.) I stand on the table, spread my legs, and open myself with one hand while the other rubs my clitoris. I talk as long as I can explaining how I feel, how I enjoy these special four watching me, how good the rubbing feels, how my mouth goes dry, my legs start to shake, how I hold back as long as I can, and finally fireworks. I stop talking and moan. Finally I scream my orgasm for all to hear. When I get control I notice that Arnie has recorded my entire demonstration on video tape. Sam tells me that I will enjoy watching the tape later. They have me repeat my show in different positions. On hands and knees, with one leg raised way up, etc. Sam wants to do it for me. I enjoy it and tell everyone so. Sam does it several times in many positions. I am wild. I beg Sam to take me. The other three agree so Sam strips and fucks me on the table. I cannot wait, I pull Sam into me as soon as he is hard. Sam pumps me till I scream. While I scream Sam pumps me full of come. Afterward I lay quietly on the table. They ask for and get my truest feelings. Arnie records it all. It is enough for one day, so they ask for one more item on the list. 'Inez, you must remain completely naked for the rest of the day.' (What if someone comes?) 'No exceptions.' (Ok. Have a good time.). The four go for a picnic and later a movie. I spend the day doing as many chores as I can. Tommy comes over. I let him in. Tommy wants to fuck. For some reason I don't want to. I see a side of Tommy that I didn't know about. Tommy forces me to comply. I guess he raped me. When he starts on me, I warm up and come with him. Paul comes over and demands more explanation than Tommy. I guess Paul raped me too, because I didn't want to. I even resisted. Maybe it is simply because I am naked. Maxine and three boys come calling. I open the door a crack and tell them to go away. I don't feel well. Maxine pushes the door open and they walk in. We talk while they stare at me. Soon the boys circle me and make advances. I beg them to leave. The boys literally rape me several times. Two hold me while the third rapes me. They are rough with me. They squeeze my breasts till I cry. While they rape me Maxine searches my home. When the boys are through with me they hit me several times just to watch me bounce. They shake me violently to see my breasts shake and bounce. When Maxine is finished she pauses at the door. I see that she has the video tape and most of my best clothes. 'If you tell anyone about this, we will hurt you.' When the four return I am still crying. I am forced to tell them what happened. (Please don't tell Maxine. She hurts me. I cannot take a lot of pain.) I burst into tears again. When I turn into the wall, they all notice the welts on my back from mothers strap. When mother returns, I have the house spotless. Mother praises the twins. 'Inez did all the work.' 'Possibly, but you were in charge.' I give up. I cannot please this woman. That night after a phone call to mother. She calls me into her bedroom. I see the strap lying on the bed. I am paralyzed with fear. What did I do? "Inez, I just got another call from our neighbor. She says that you were naked all day saturday, and that you had several boyfriends over. Yes or no!' (Yes.) 'Why are you persecuting me? You will obey me if I have to kill you with this strap. Why were you naked? Why?' (Please don't hit me mother. I cannot take this much pain, I will die.) 'Take your clothes off now.' I hesitate. She notices the twins watching and locks the door. She comes to me and undresses me while I cry. When she unhooks my bra i protest. She slaps my face hard. When I am naked, she takes the strap and stands ready. I assume the position. One arm across my breasts and the other one over my face. The beating starts. I feel the first ones. The beating saps my strength. After a time, I fall to my knees. Eventually I fall on my face and lie there. Somehow I think I hear horses running. No it is someone pounding on the door. The twins pull me to my feet and take me to the bathroom. I cannot walk so they drag me. They wash me and put me to bed. During the night i have a dream. Many hands are on me and someone photographs me front and back. I am raped several times. In my dream I have many, many visions. Sam, Paul, Maxine, the three rapists, Tommy, even the twins. I tell the twins that I love them. I see tears in their eyes. When I wake in the morning, I ache from head to toe. I notice my sheet is covered with come. It wasn't a dream. I find out that mother left and didn't come home last night. I guess the door wasn't locked either. My back sticks to the sheets. When I pull it away the pain is intense. Tears run down my face just from the pain of it. I cannot stand up. Sam walks over and helps me up. It seems natural that he would be there. He helps me to the bathroom and has to hold me up while I go. He has me sit on the toilet while he bandages my wounds. 'You are coming to the doctor with me now. Several of these should have stitches.' I resist, but Sam is too strong. I tell the doctor at the emergency room that I was raped. When he is through, he has to call the police. I won't talk to the police. Sam tells them that I was raped, but I will not say who. Neither of us have any id and we do not tell them who we are. Eventually they let us go. (Thank you, Sam. I love you.) He looks at me the strangest way, then he smiles and kisses me. I am happy except for the pain. Paul calls me later that day. I tell him, no, we are finished. Two weeks later when I am home alone, Paul comes over. Paul brings two friends. They eye me up and down. I invite them in. Paul says that he has a tape he wants me to see. He puts it in the video machine and we watch my performance that Arnie recorded. Paul holds me down in my chair when I try to rise. I watch my naked body perform for my friends, doing things that no one else was supposed to see. Paul kisses me, but I do not respond. Paul has seen the film so he knows what to do. He fondles my through my shorts. I mustn't respond. I cannot help myself. My pussy gets wet. Next time Paul kisses me I open and suck with him. I open my shorts so he can finger me better. Paul's friends pull the shorts off. Paul's friends remove my tshirt and bra. The friends fondle and squeeze my breasts. I cannot stand it, I pull my panties off and force Paul's finger into me. He goes slowly, driving me wild. (Please, Paul I am ready now.) 'Beg for it.' I kneel in front of Paul and beg him to take me. 'What about my friends?' (Ok, them too) 'make me ready.' I take Paul's clothes off. Fumbling in my speed. Paul is fingering me again. I spread my legs wide and move myself with his finger. Paul's friend get a good show as my breasts bounce and swing. I stroke Paul's penis till it is hard. Paul fingers me till I moan. 'Suck me.' I kneel and take Paul's penis into my mouth and suck him. When I try to rise, he pulls me into him farther. He grabs my hair and forces me to masturbate him with my mouth. Paul comes in my mouth. I suck him and suck him, but his penis is limp. Paul points to his friends. I strip the two friends and masturbate them till they are hard. Paul fingers me again till I moan. I stand on tip toe trying to get the friend's penis into me, but I cannot get high enough. The friend pushes me down and puts his penis into my mouth. Again he comes in my mouth. The third boy does the same thing. When I start to work on myself, Paul takes my hands and puts them on his penis. I work on him till he is hard. Paul strokes me again till i am moving with his rhythm. I push his finger harder into me and moan my excitement. Paul stops and makes me suck him again. This continues for an eternity, I suck each boy five times. I have more come in my stomach than they do in their balls. Finally I beg Paul to let me come. Paul lets me bring myself to the brink, then he inserts his penis into me and the three gangbang me. I come several times. Screaming my release. When they are through with me, I beg Paul not to see me again. (Paul I cannot stop you, you know that. I beg you to leave me alone. Please, Paul.)